September Chapter Meeting

  • Tim Page-Bottorff talks Humor & Safety
     September 18, 2023
     11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Tim Page-Bottorff wants you to know that safety doesn’t have to be boring. The best way to increase
employee engagement is through humor. Stories are the best way to get started. He suggests
injecting funny stories, videos and images into safety conversations, training and meetings to
increase employee engagement and retention.
Tim will prepare attendees to find the fun in safety by avoiding all the negativity behind it.  Safety is a
topic most employees are not fond of. Simple because safety is usually enforced or “forced.” Tim will
discuss how complacency causes employees to force decisions in addition to organizations also
forcing decisions which employees are the target of.  Humor can bring not just employees and
management together, but bring people together.
Incorporating the most important things in our messages often serves as building a bridge between
people.  Tim will show what’s important to him and give a glimpse at how we can achieve a better
work-life balance.
There will be messages of laughter, despair, and ultimately an everlasting message of safety doesn’t
have to be boring.  Sweeping the emotion in safety brings hearts and minds together.

Learning Objectives

  • Add techniques to your safety presentations that can wake up a tired, bored, or inattentive audience. In
    fact, using humor can actually help you make serious points about safety!
  • Discover why adults aren’t always eager to participate in safety training and what you can do to capture
    their interest
  • Learn some simple techniques to make safety meetings motivating and entertaining!
  • Be introduced to great ideas that will engage your family and loved ones in a way that will raise their
    awareness and keep them safer 24/7
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Venue:   Ring Power Corporation

9901 Ringhaver Drive, Orlando, Florida, 32824, United States


Please enter on Ringhaver & Boggy Creek entrance.